Revealing the Whorish: Massive Analysis of Collectivist Regimes, Nazi Germany
The Nazi regime in Germany, like many other collectivist regimes in the 20th century, shared several key characteristics that contributed to their rise to power and the atrocities they committed.
One of the most notable characteristics of collectivist regimes is their belief in the idea of a superior race or group that should dominate society. The Nazi regime, for example, believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race and sought to eliminate or subjugate other groups, such as Jews, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. This belief in racial superiority led to the persecution and genocide of millions of people during the Holocaust.

Another common characteristic of collectivist regimes is the belief in a strong centralized government that controlled all aspects of society, including the economy, education, and culture. Under the Nazi regime, the government controlled the media, censorship was widespread, and dissent was not tolerated. This control over society allowed the regime to maintain its grip on power and suppress opposition.
In a story on the Nazi bible, London’s Daily Mail reported,
“Hitler admired the ceremony and majesty of the church—he admitted as much in Mein Kampf—but hated its teachings, which had no place in his vision of Germanic supermen ruling lesser races devoid of ‘outdated’ concepts such as mercy and love. But he knew the power of the church in Germany and even he could not banish it overnight. He was even forced to abandon the systematic murder of the handicapped and insane before the war when outspoken bishops began to speak against it. Instead, his plan was to gradually ‘Nazify’ the church beginning with a theological centre he set up in 1939 to rewrite the Holy Bible.”
Collectivist regimes also often use propaganda and manipulation to control the population and maintain their power. The Nazi regime used propaganda to promote its ideology and suppress dissenting voices. This included the use of media, such as newspapers and radio, as well as public events, such as rallies and parades, to disseminate their message.
Moreover, collectivist regimes also frequently use violence and repression to maintain their power. The Nazi regime used violence and repression to control the population and eliminate political opponents. This included the use of secret police and concentration camps to suppress dissent and terrorize the population.
Writing in magnum opus, “Human Action,” Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises explained that Nazism was “socialism under the outward guise of the terminology of capitalism”:
“The second pattern [of socialism] (we may call it the Hindenburg or German pattern) nominally and seemingly preserves private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary markets, prices, wages, and interest rates. There are, however, no longer entrepreneurs, but only shop managers (Betriebsführer in the terminology of the Nazi legislation). These shop managers are seemingly instrumental in the conduct of the enterprises entrusted to them; they buy and sell, hire and discharge workers and remunerate their services, contract debts and pay interest and amortization.
But in all their activities they are bound to obey unconditionally the orders issued by the government’s supreme office of production management. This office (The Reichswirtschaftsministerium in Nazi Germany) tells the shop managers what and how to produce, at what prices and from whom to buy, at what prices and to whom to sell. It assigns every worker to his job and fixes his wages. It decrees to whom and on what terms the capitalists must entrust their funds.
Market exchange is merely a sham. All the wages, prices, and interest rates are fixed by the government; they are wages, prices, and interest rates in appearance only; in fact, they are merely quantitative terms in the government’s orders determining each citizen’s job, income, consumption, and standard of living. The government directs all production activities. The shop managers are subject to the government, not the consumers’ demand and the market’s price structure.”
Collectivist regimes also had an inclination towards militarism and aggressive expansionism. The Nazi regime followed this pattern as well by engaging in aggressive territorial expansion and military expansion. This ultimately led to the outbreak of World War II, which resulted in the deaths of millions of people.
It’s important to note that these characteristics were not unique to the Nazi regime but were also present in other collectivist regimes of the 20th century, such as Stalin’s Soviet Union and Mao’s China. These regimes also believed in the idea of a superior group, implemented strict control over society, used propaganda and manipulation, engaged in repression and violence, and pursued militarism and aggressive expansionism.

World War II, circa 1943.
Understanding these common characteristics of collectivist regimes is crucial in order to prevent similar atrocities from occurring in the future. It is important to be vigilant and aware of any signs of such ideologies and practices in our own societies, and to actively work towards promoting democracy, human rights, and individual freedom.