Bergen-Belsen: A Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust
The Second World War was one of the most devastating conflicts in human history. Millions of people lost their lives, and countless others suffered unimaginable horrors. Among the many atrocities committed during this time, the Nazi concentration camps stand out as one of the most horrific. The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was one of the largest and most notorious of these camps, and it serves as a grim reminder of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

Concentration camp survivors waiting for relocation from Belsen Camp after liberation.
Origins of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
A Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was located in Lower Saxony, in northern Germany. It was established in 1940 as a prisoner-of-war camp for captured soldiers from France and Belgium. However, in 1943, it was converted into a concentration camp and began accepting prisoners who were considered to be enemies of the state, such as Jews, Roma, homosexuals, and political dissidents.
Conditions at Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
The conditions at Bergen-Belsen were among the worst of any concentration camp during the war. Prisoners were forced to live in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions, with little food or water. The disease was rampant, and there were few medical facilities to treat the sick and injured. As a result, thousands of prisoners died from starvation, disease, and neglect.

Jewish Women and Children in Belsen Concentration Camp. 60,000 people starving and without water for over six days. The camp was littered with the dead and dying, and on closer investigation, it was discovered that the huts capable of housing about 30 people in many cases were holding as many as 500. It was impossible to estimate the number of dead among them.
In addition to the appalling living conditions, prisoners at Bergen-Belsen were subjected to brutal treatment by their guards. They were frequently beaten and tortured, and many were used for medical experiments. The infamous physician Josef Mengele conducted experiments on prisoners at the camp, including the use of drugs and surgical procedures without anesthesia.

Food handout in the concentration camp of Bergen Belsen after the Allies’ liberation. Germany, 1945.
The Liberation of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
Bergen-Belsen was liberated by British forces on April 15, 1945. When the soldiers arrived, they were confronted with a scene of unimaginable horror. Thousands of bodies lay unburied, and the survivors were barely clinging to life. The British soldiers immediately set to work trying to provide medical care and food to the survivors.

SS troops captured at Belsen are forced at Bayonet point to remove bodies for burial.

Former female prisoners of Bergen Belsen concentration camp peeled potatoes in front of piles of dead bodies in the camp after it was liberated by the forces of the British 11th Armoured Division following the advance of the 2nd Army into Germany near the end of the Second World War. 21st April 1945.

Germany, Third Reich – concentration camps 1939-45 Women are taking a bath after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen by British troops end of April 1945
The Aftermath of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
The liberation of Bergen-Belsen was a moment of hope and relief for the survivors of the camp. However, the horrors that they had experienced would stay with them for the rest of their lives. Many survivors suffered from physical and emotional trauma, and some were never able to recover fully.
In the years following the war, the world began to learn about the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. The horrors of Bergen-Belsen and other concentration camps were revealed, and the world was forced to confront the reality of the genocide that had taken place. The Nuremberg Trials, which began in 1945, brought some of the Nazi leaders to justice, but many others were never held accountable for their crimes.

War and Conflict, World War Two, Atrocities, September 1945, Irma Grese, born 1923, German camp guard, (wearing card 9) perhaps the most notorious female Nazi war criminal, pictured at the Belsen Trial, She committed grave crimes at Ravensbruck, Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen concentration camps, She was hanged for war crimes in December 1945.

Remembering Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
Today, Bergen-Belsen stands as a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. The site has been preserved as a museum and a place of remembrance, and it serves as a reminder of the horrors that occurred during the war. Visitors to the site can see the remains of the camp, including the mass graves where thousands of victims were buried.
In addition to preserving the site, there are other efforts to remember the victims of Bergen-Belsen and other concentration camps. Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed on January 27th, is a day to remember the victims of the Holocaust and to ensure that the world never forgets the atrocities that were committed.

A relief map of the women’s camp at the site of the former Bergen-Belsen German Nazi concentration camp in Lower Saxony, Germany, 2014. The site is now a museum and memorial.
Conclusion at last
The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was a dark chapter in human history. The atrocities committed there and at other concentration camps during the Holocaust remind us of the dangers of bigotry, hatred, and prejudice, and the importance of standing up against them. The memory of the victims of Bergen-Belsen and other concentration camps should serve as a warning to future generations to never let such horrors happen again.
The legacy of the Bergen-Belsen
This concentration camp is a testament to the resilience and courage of the human spirit. The survivors of the camp, despite enduring unimaginable suffering and loss, were able to rebuild their lives and find hope for the future. Their stories and the stories of those who did not survive should inspire us to fight for a world that is just and compassionate, where human dignity and human rights are respected and upheld.
In the words of Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” We must never forget the atrocities of Bergen-Belsen and other concentration camps, and we must bear witness to the lives that were lost and the pain that was inflicted. Only by remembering the past can we ensure a better future for all.

Lt. Jones RE was young in 1945 when he participated in the Liberation of Bergen Belsen. He took us for a visit to that dreadful camp while stationed in Germany later in 1966. He was then my CO Colonel.
I never forgot his Lecture “Why We Fight”
Lest We Forget, We are Doomed